
Juzo Adjustable Compression Wrap 6000 Donning and Care Instructions

Donning and Care Instructions for Calf and foot pieces of The Juzo Compression Wrap.

Juzo Armsleeve Fitting and Care Instructions

Care and donning instructions for compression armsleeves

Juzo Colour Chart 2024

Check out the full range of Juzo colours and their style availabilities including trend colours (Updated 1.4.24)

​​​​Juzo Compression as an effective approach in scar management

Contribution to the use of JUZO medical compression in cooperation with

Dr. med. Bernd Hartmann, Univ. Prof. Dr. med. Lars-Peter Kamolz, Prof. Dr. med. Clemens Schiestl

Juzo Compression Garment Prescription

Referral prescription for medical compression garments to be filled out by a Medical specialist, Clinician or GP

Juzo Compression Therapy during Travel

Compression therapy helps minimize and control swelling in the legs and ankle whilst reducing the risk of DVTs

Juzo ex Germany Trend Colours 2024/5

Check out Juzo's latest Trend Colours for compression garments 2024-2025

Juzo Glue Adhesive Instructions

Instructions on how to properly and safely, apply and remove compression garment adhesive

Juzo Stocking Fitting and Care Instructions

Care and donning instructions for compression socks, stockings and pantyhose.

Juzo Support your Pregnancy with Compression Therapy

Support your legs from swelling and varicose veins during your pregnancy

Showing 50 of 86 documents